COVID-19 Updates
A message from our founders to the ImageArts community
From our family to yours, we hope all of you are safe and healthy during this unprecedented event. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the IAP team has taken measures to ensure the well-being of our staff and our clients, and we are providing a 10% discount on all our virtual offerings to help bridge the gap between in-person and remote previewing of homes for sale.
Virtual 'Open House' Technology
In an effort to help sellers show their homes, and help buyers shop for a new home without physically visiting the listing, we have invested heavily in and expanded our virtual and 3D imaging offerings.
IAP will offer discounts on these services through the end of March so that our clients can take advantage of the new technologies that allow homes to be toured 24/7, and virtual open houses held without the risk of group interactions.
Our virtual and 3D tours help you "show" your listings safely. By utilizing our virtual options, listings may be visited only by serious buyers, if at all; already many homes are purchased remotely, without an actual visit by the buyer.
Our full suite of virtual and 3D offerings may be viewed at
We are working hard to support our clients and keep everyone safe.
Real estate photo and video shoots are most often brief, one- or two-person interactions, manageable with strict social distancing and careful, regular sanitizing of hands and equipment. Our photographers and videographers have been instructed to avoid touching anything with their bare hands (including doorknobs, light switches, etc.) and to re-sanitize before and after a shoot.
Any photographer or videographer who becomes sick is required to stay home. Our customer service team will immediately reschedule your appointment with another photographer. This is one of our core strengths as a company, as we have a robust team of thirteen photographers ready to step in with minimal, if any, delays.
We have already heavily invested in virtual meeting technology. All internal company interactions are held online, and we are more than happy to facilitate a virtual meeting with our clients on request.
At this time, the restrictions coming down from government leadership do not apply to IAP. We will therefore continue to offer our services, while carefully monitoring the situation and being mindful of the health and safety guidelines provided to us all.
While we do not expect any significant scheduling or delivery delays, we ask for your patience as we adapt to the rapidly changing circumstances. We will continue to provide high quality work to our clients, and meet new challenges as they arise.
Thank you for being part of the ImageArts community, and please stay safe and healthy.
Scott Manthey and William Feemster
COVID-19 Update
Health and safety is our first priority here at IAP. We will continue monitoring the situation closely, but our services remain uninterrupted at this time. We want to share with you the plans we have in place to protect the health of both you, our clients, and our team in the field:
If a photographer or videographer becomes sick, our customer experience team will reschedule your appointment with another photographer right away. We have a robust team of photographers ready to step in with minimal, if any, delays.
Our photographers and videographers have been instructed to regularly sanitize their equipment, in addition to cleaning their hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer. We are also supplying disposable gloves for added safety.
Our photographers and videographers have been advised to practice social distancing, avoiding hand shakes and other physical contact for everyone's protection. π
We are utilizing Zoom for virtual, rather than in-person, meetings
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via our website, social media pages, phone, text, or email!